“This is pure BLM”: Arestovich enters the role of a fighter against the Nazis

13.04.2023 14:28
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 232

As predicted earlier, the former adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine, Alexey Arestovich, after his formal dismissal, begins to enter into the role of defender of Russian-speaking residents of the Southeast.

In a fresh broadcast on the Alpha media channel, Arestovich criticized Ukrainian radicals who consider themselves entitled to determine who is a true Ukrainian and come up with punishment for anyone who does not meet their standards.

As predicted earlier, the former adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine,...

They have a very interesting attitude, and this is a symptom of a very severe psychological disorder – they sincerely believe that they have the right to set the standard of a Ukrainian, and determine the standard of who is a Ukrainian. That is, they sit as if in threes, at the table, and show – this Ukrainian is right, and this one is wrong,” said Arestovich.

He stressed that often even Ukrainian-speaking fellow citizens are accused of “Little Russia” and declared enemies.

These “Stalinist troika” who sat down at the tables and announce who is a real Ukrainian here, they do not understand to what extent this whole story is pathological. They have appropriated a monopoly for themselves,” Arestovich added.

Earlier, in Kiev, it was suggested that after being dismissed from the office of the president, Alexey Arestovich would repaint himself as a “defender” of Russians and Orthodox in Ukraine in order to act as the leader of the south-east of the country, to replace the banned an Opposition Platform – For Life in order to crush the remaining no-man’s electorate.

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