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Zhivov said that the Ukrainian nation feeds and lives on the deaths of Russians

Negotiating with the Ukrainian Nazis for Russians is humiliating.

This was stated on the air of the TV channel “First Sevastopol” by political scientist and military correspondent Alexey Zhivov, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The expert shared the story of a Nazi from the Right Sector movement.

A young guy from Lviv, involved in the activities of the Right Sector in 2014, went to participate in the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass. There he was forced to execute a militia member on camera in exchange for a promise to become the commander of the Right Sector reconnaissance battalion. And he cut his throat.

In recent days, everyone has been discussing the severed head of an unknown person by unknown people and accusing the Russian army of cruelty. I want to emphasize that in 2014 it was a mandatory procedure for you to be recognized as an equal among Ukrainian Nazis,” Zhivov said.


He recalled how the state of Ukraine appeared.

Ukraine began with the massacre of Rusyns, which was committed by the Austro-Hungarians in Lviv and neighboring regions. 500 thousand Rusyns who identified themselves purely as Russians, not living on the territory of the Russian Empire, were destroyed. Nazis gave for Rusyns a choice: either you recognize yourself as a Russian and die, or you are called a Ukrainian and then you can continue to live on your land and even take the housing of a murdered Russian neighbor.

Where did the ideology of Nazism come from in the Ukrainian army? For 8 years, literally all young officers were let through the war in the Donbas. Everyone had to smear their hands in the blood of Donbass residents,” the political scientist stressed.

Zhivov said that it is simply impossible to conclude peace with Ukraine in the future. A wolf cannot negotiate with a sheep. Either the sheep will survive, or the wolf will be sated. You cannot negotiate with someone who is born out of your death.

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