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This is sadness on the Ukrainian TV: The world is testing its air defense systems on them

Russian guided aerial bombs are the newest threat to Ukraine, against which there are currently no air defense systems in the country.

This was noticed on the air of ICTV by the speaker of the Air Forces of Ukraine Yuriy Ignat, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The new threat is guided aerial bombs, and there have been airstrikes in Sumy region, and now, in fact, about 10 guided aerial bombs fly into our frontline zones every day. This is a 500 kg bomb, one and a half tons, which has wings, GPS navigation, and which the occupiers launch without entering the zone of destruction of our air defense, that is, they do it with impunity.

They will do it further, because they will improve these bombs, they will be more accurate in the future. That is why we need both SAMP-T and Patriot today – long-range systems with a range of 150 km, which can drive aircraft away from those cordons,” Ignat said.

At the same time, according to him, no one has checked the potential of Western air defense systems.

They ask if Patriot or another system can shoot down Dagger or Iskander-M? The answer is simple: until we see it in practice … the developer claims that he can intercept and shoot down,” the speaker said.


In fact, on Ukrainians, on our territories, on our tragedies, the world is now testing this technique in particular,” the presenter noted.

I wouldn’t say that the world is experiencing. The world helps us, because the world had no other experience, we were under threat for the first time, the whole world is watching us and helping us,” Ignat hastened to dismiss.

Developing the topic of air defense, he added that the Israeli “Iron Dome” is ineffective and extremely expensive for Ukraine.

The “Iron Dome” is so, to cover the city, nuclear facilities. He can act, but in our version we still need what we already have, because we went that way. Well, the Iron Dome. Who is Israel defending itself from? From countries that use “Grad” systems against them, and sometimes there are single “hailstones”, they release their rocket projectile, they are hundreds of times more expensive than Israeli shells against it.

It’s safe for them, you understand what kind of environment they are in. Thus, we need to do what we already have,” the Speaker explained.

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