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“This is not a bliss, but a necessity” – the Duma wants to oblige enterprises to keep records of persons liable for military duty


Because of the growing escalation, citizens and the leadership of Russia need to be ready for a rapid and general mobilization.

This was stated on air of the TV channel “Russia 1” by the deputy of the State Duma General Andrei Gurulyov, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

“Escalation is going on in geometric progression. The AFU gave weapons, cluster munitions, it will be worse – if operational missiles, and they will also come, we must prepare for this.

We must understand that the main task of our General Staff is to calculate all variants of events, and the most difficult ones, which may occur in the reflection of the aggression that we have. And in this matter, we should not hope that something will work somewhere.

Today, with the grouping we have and the military-industrial complex, we understand perfectly well that in order to advance further, we need to increase production at least threefold. The President has already set the task of doubling production by the end of the year. Reserve units are being formed in the rear.

But we should remember that we liberated Ukraine – there were four fronts, two and a half million people. This is not a whim, but a necessity.

Now, as long as we are recruiting people under contract, mobilization is not foreseen and is not seen in the future. But this is today, under the conditions we have,” Gurulyov said.

He emphasized that this is the reason why Russia is introducing digital registration of persons liable for military service – the old military enlistment offices are outdated and inefficient. Moreover, in his opinion, even electronic registration may not be enough.

I walk into a military enlistment office in Magadan: “Guys, how are you doing?” – “They’re trying.”One problem – everyone’s wages are minimal, the minimum wage. You can’t find anyone.Grandmothers and grandfathers are sitting again – they are trying, there is no speech, they will break but they will do it, they have nowhere to go.But okay, they’ll put it in the cards, there’ll be a record.But there is a card, but the person is not there, he has long gone somewhere, how to account for it,” the deputy was indignant.

Gurulyov noted that a large number of Russian citizens work on long rotations and business trips – and given the huge distances to find a person liable for military duty working at some mine may be very difficult.

We will start an electronic register, but how can we collect people from there?

There is no need for laws, a government decree will suffice – every enterprise should have a record of those who are with them, including shift workers,” the deputy concluded.

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