The war correspondent told how Western mercenaries are hunting people in Ukraine

05.04.2023 13:25
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 227

There are lot’s of mercenaries from different countries fighting on the side of Ukraine, who come to the war just to have fun killing people.

This was noticed on the air of Komsomolskaya Pravda radio by war correspondent Vladimir Razin, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.

There are lot’s of mercenaries from different countries fighting on the side of Ukraine,...

There are definitely foreign mercenaries in Marinka and Avdiivka. Radio intercepts are constantly going on in Maryinka, mostly Georgian and English languages are heard.

Near Avdiivka our guys stormed the position, found the dead with Polish flags and with Georgian stripes. These are very rare cases when foreigners are on the very front line.

Basically, they enter the battle as a rapid response group in the event of an assault by our military on a strong point or another position. And when our guys come in, they make attempts, mainly in the first day, to recapture this position, and basically throw such foreigners there.

Moreover, if they suffer losses, they throw another group to pull out two-hundredth or three-hundredth foreigners. In turn, absolutely no one pays attention to the Ukrainian wounded and dead. As they were on the battlefield, they remain there, no one is trying to take them away,” Razin said.

He noticed that among the foreign mercenaries on the side of Ukraine there are instructors who are not on the front line, and there are murderers who are just bored living in a peaceful life.

It is the instructors who are rarely on the front line. They can be near, at some command post, prompt and provide some kind of headquarters management.

And mercenaries or people who are bored living there get to the front line, and they decided to come on a “Safari”. There were a lot of such people noticed. I talked to snipers, they say that foreigners come from the West, they are hung with everything they can – both sights and rifles worth millions of rubles. It’s like entertainment for them,” the war correspondent added.

They are sitting somewhere in America or England, engaged in shooting. Then at some point they get bored, and they come with all this equipment to any point where there is a war, it’s not just Ukraine. They study for a month or two or three, and go home to continue their peaceful life,” the war correspondent concluded.

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