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The Verkhovna Rada deputy is furious: The Ukrainian government is profiting from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, demotivating them before the offensive

The Ukrainian authorities deprived the military personnel of allowances and, through the mouth of the head of the tax committee, Daniil Getmantsev, said that there was no money for this, because it was difficult for soldiers to steal something from payments.

It is much easier to spend these funds on fake purchases of equipment.

This was stated on the air of his blog by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Geo Leros, who was expelled from the presidential party “Servant of the People” after the conflict with Zelensky, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

Zelensky and his office do not want to allocate money to the military, because they cannot steal anything from them. It is easier for the Ministry of Defense to buy five times more expensive provisions to get a kickback from this. Sooner or later, all these investigations will be made public. Zelensky, Ermak, and Sharapov will definitely have to answer for all these frauds,” the deputy said.

In addition to the corruption component, there is also an ideological component – to demotivate the military before such an important offensive. The task of the Commander-in-Chief is to provide our military with everything they need. And Zelensky is doing what?”, – said Leros.


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