Архив новостей по теме 'The West'

An American village will appear in the suburbs of Moscow

“American Village,” which will house 200 families from the United States, will begin construction in Serpukhov district of Moscow region in 2024. Timur Beslangurov, general director of the Vista Emigration law firm, said this at the 11th St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, a PolitNavigator correspondent reports. Mostly they are Orthodox Christians. Americans and Canadians who…

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Crimean TV reports: We are correcting what Khrushchev has done

The conclusions from the Great Patriotic War have not been drawn and accepted by society. Nazi criminals in the homeland were simply forgiven, and the collaborators did not suffer the punishment they deserved, experts say. Historian and coordinator of the “Immortal Regiment” movement in Yevpatoria Svetlana Fedorova noted that the origins of contemporary events lie…

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